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    Book and Drive a Reliable Car Rental in South Grafton Today

    happy family posing inside their new car

    Stop missing the marvels of South Grafton and start exploring it today. Make sure to travel with a hire car when you get there. Because a transport trouble free holiday never fails to be so much better. We at CarHire.com.au will help you get the lowest priced car rental!

    South Grafton is the beautiful suburb of the city of Grafton in New South Wales, Australia. The location has good combination of industrial, commercial and residential areas that boast wide variety of restaurants, cafes, shops and superb spots to make an ideal vacation.

    Why rent a car in South Grafton with CarHire.com.au?

    • Fast and easy booking
    • Free to book and modify
    • Best rates guaranteed - Check out our Price Promise page for more information
    • More vehicle options
    • Highly-motivated customer care experts -Contact us today via phone call, email or live chat if you need assistance.

    Driving tips in South Grafton

    Armidale Road, Grafton-Lawrence Road, Gwydir Highway, Pacific Highway, Rushforth Road and Summerland Way all lead to South Grafton. The Clarence Valley, Craft Barn, Historic Tunnel and the Old Grafton Road are the local attractions we hope you would be able to visit first upon entrance to the location.
    CarhireSouth Grafton
    South Grafton,New South WalesAustralia
    Top depots in South Grafton
    • Budget Budget Grafton - Motortorque Automotive, 95 Bent Street, South Grafton, NSW. 2460
    • Avis Avis Grafton Airport - Terminal Building, South Grafton, NSW. 2460